Jesus Heilt Einen Taubstummen Ausmalbild

Jesus heilt einen Taube Malvorlagen Neues Testament
Jesus heilt einen Taube Malvorlagen Neues Testament from


In this tutorial, we will discuss the story of Jesus healing a deaf and mute man, and how you can create an ausmalbild (coloring page) based on this story. This biblical account is found in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 7, verses 31-37.

The Story

The story begins with Jesus traveling through the region of Decapolis, where he encounters a man who is deaf and unable to speak. The man's friends bring him to Jesus, and they beg him to heal him. Jesus takes the man aside, away from the crowd, and puts his fingers into the man's ears. He then spits and touches the man's tongue. Looking up to heaven, Jesus sighs and says, "Ephphatha!" which means "Be opened!" Immediately, the man's ears are opened, his tongue is loosened, and he begins to speak clearly.

The Significance

This story is significant for several reasons. First, it demonstrates Jesus' compassion for those who are suffering. He takes the time to heal the man, even though he is in the middle of a journey. Second, it shows Jesus' power over physical ailments. He is able to heal the man's deafness and muteness with a simple command. Finally, it is a reminder that Jesus came to heal not just physical ailments, but also spiritual ones.

Creating an Ausmalbild

Now that we have discussed the story, let's create an ausmalbild based on it. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Choose your image

To create an ausmalbild, you will need an image to color. You can find many images online by searching for "Jesus healing a deaf man coloring page" or something similar. Choose an image that you like and that will be easy to color.

Step 2: Print the image

Once you have chosen your image, print it out on a piece of paper. Make sure the paper is thick enough to handle coloring pencils or markers.

Step 3: Color the image

Now it's time to color the image! Use your favorite coloring pencils or markers to bring the image to life. You can color Jesus' robe blue, the man's shirt green, and the background yellow. Be creative and have fun!

Step 4: Display the finished product

Once you have finished coloring the image, display it somewhere for others to see. You can hang it on the refrigerator, frame it and put it on a shelf, or give it to a friend or family member as a gift.


In this tutorial, we have discussed the story of Jesus healing a deaf and mute man, and how to create an ausmalbild based on this story. We hope you enjoyed learning about this biblical account and have fun creating your own coloring page. Remember, Jesus came to heal both physical and spiritual ailments, and we can trust in him to do the same for us today.


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